Questions & Answers

Here are some answers to common questions.

It's always a little bit scary when you attend a worship service at a new church. 

After all, you don't know what to expect. 

Here's what you should know about services at Redeemer Church.


Before the Service

This is the time that you can take your children (if you have any) to our children's classrooms and get them settled. We display a large countdown timer in the Sanctuary that will help you keep track of when the service will begin.


The Music

We sing several songs at the beginning of our service. Our music is mostly contemporary worship but we make an effort to include traditional elements (like hymns) as well. Most people stand as we sing but we encourage you to sit if standing makes you uncomfortable. Above all, we want this to be a time of worship and prayer that you share with God. Our musicians' goal is to fade into the background as God takes center stage.


The Message

The second half of the service focused on studying God's word together. Someone from the congregation will read a section of Scripture as we listen to God's Word together. Then the pastor will talk about how to understand and apply what we heard together from Scripture. You are encouraged to take out your smartphone or tablet, pull up a Bible app and follow along. 


The Time of Response

After the message is over we will sing another song and provide an opportunity for people to respond to God's Word. Some people do this through singing, some people respond for prayer at the front. We encourage you to respond to God's Word however the Holy Spirit leads you to do. There's no pressure to respond in a certain way.



Our final act of response to God's Word is by coming together around Christ's table to celebrate Holy Communion. The pastor will pray and the congregation is invited to participate as he does this. Then all followers of Jesus (regardless of where they attend church or if they've ever been with us before) are invited forward to join us in celebrating the sacrifice of Jesus for our salvation.

One of the most important questions that anyone asks about any church is: "What do you believe?"

Sometimes getting an understandable answer to this question can be a challenge because humans tend to over-complicate that which is actually quite simple to understand: God, as understood through Scripture, and what His plan is for His people and His church.

Redeemer Church maintains the essential and ancient beliefs found in two documents of the early church: The Apostle's Creed and The Nicene Creed. Rather than reinventing the wheel with a long list of doctrinal statements, we acknowledge that these ancient creeds of the church do a good job of stating the basic essentials of what Christians around the world and throughout history have believed about God.

One of our main focuses is to provide an atmosphere where families of all shapes and sizes can worship comfortably. Because of that focus, we offer childcare provided by background-checked children's ministry workers during all worship services. 

Additionally, KidsChurch is available during our Sunday morning worship service. While in KidsChurch, your children will experience creative, age-appropriate teaching from our children's ministry volunteers aimed at leading children to a better understanding of God's plan for salvation and His love for all people.

Once a month we welcome our KidsChurch kids into the regular service so that kids get a chance to worship alongside their parents and other adults. You can check with the Welcome Desk volunteers to see if it is a week with KidsChurch or where older kids are in the service with their family.